The Different Layers of Cyberspace

Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 10 May 2021 Comments: 0

Cyberspace is often represented by a set of overlapping layers that interact with each other. The physical layer is the first. It represents the physical infrastructure of the Internet, composed of submarine and terrestrial cables, radio relays, and computers: a set of materials installed on the land, subject to physical and political geography restrictions, that can be designed, changed, or removed, and linked or disconnected from the network. The logical…

Sugar-Free Pancakes

Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 10 May 2021 Comments: 0

It was about time I posted my first pancake recipe on my site because Pancakes & CyberSecurity without pancakes… something was missing. Especially since pancakes are after pies, my favorite meal. On Sunday mornings, I am one of those people who like to eat comforting breakfasts that are not too complicated to make. So I make pancakes quite often. However, mid-April, I decided to embark on a 30-day sugar-free challenge.…

The Cybersecurity Dilemma

Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 1 May 2021 Comments: 0

The Security Dilemma The cybersecurity dilemma was developed from another concept, the security dilemma. In political science, a security dilemma is a scenario in which measures taken by a state to increase its own security provoke responses from other states, resulting in a decrease rather than an increase in the original state’s security. According to some foreign relations experts, the most critical cause of disagreement between states is the security…

Spring Focaccia Sandwich

Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 28 April 2021 Comments: 0

With the arrival of sunny days, the need to have picnics in the sun in a park or on the shore of a lake returns. But the question remains, what can we eat conveniently that differs from the good old French ham and cheese sandwich? Recently, while watching a documentary on Italy and its culinary specialties, the idea of focaccia came to me. Focaccia is a flat oven-baked Italian bread…

The Estonian Nation Branding

Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 25 April 2021 Comments: 0

The concept of ‘nation branding’ refers to the establishment of an image and a reputation for a country. Geoffrey Wiseman, an American professor, describes it as ‘the application of corporate marketing concepts and techniques to countries, in the interests of enhancing their reputation in international relations[1]’. In short, nation branding is a subcategory of soft power using cultural, political and social values. Countries use it to diffuse a particular image of…


Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 25 April 2021 Comments: 0

Bretzels are salted breads in the shape of knots that can be found in Southern Germany, Austria, German-speaking Switzerland and of course in Alsace. Their specificity lies in the fact that they are poached in boiling water before being baked. I come from Alsace and bretzels remind me of my childhood. My grandmother often had them in the freezer and my parents often bought them for me at the bakery…

Attributing Cyber Attacks

Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 18 April 2021 Comments: 0

In cyberspace, it is impossible to identify with certainty the origin of an attack, which makes it difficult to enforce the right to self-defence. The law of war requires that the initial cyber attack must be attributed before a counterattack is permitted. As a result, any decision to retaliate is risky. Uncertainty about the adversary’s intentions manifests itself in a “security dilemma” unique to cyberspace. In order to guarantee their cybersecurity,…

Vegetarian Gyoza with Dipping Sauce

Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 16 April 2021 Comments: 0

Gyoza are by far my favorite Japanese dish. There is nothing better than a bowl of ramen with crispy and juicy gyoza. So, during the third lockdown 🙁 I decided to go ahead and make some myself. I chose to replace the meat with tofu to make them suitable for everyone and added leek to spice up the taste, the carrots add sweetness. Just to be clear, if this is…

The French model of cybersecurity and cyberdefense

Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 10 April 2021 Comments: 0

The French cybersecurity and cyberdefense model was built on the basis of a few founding principles: the strict separation of defense and attack to gain transparency and trust, as well as the implementation of a collective response involving the various ministries, coordinated by a national authority: ANSSI. On the first principle, the Cyber Defense Strategic Review, presented in February 2017, brings clarity to everyone’s missions and organizes the coordination of…

Asparagus Risotto with Peas

Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 6 April 2021 Comments: 0

I love risottos, they are so easy to make and perfect for special occasions. Plus, they are adaptable to everyone’s tastes and can easily accommodate vegetarians. I’ve always been afraid to make risottos because I felt like it was difficult to make but after many tries and recipes I realized that it was not. So risotto has become ‘my go to‘ when I want to impress my guests but don’t…