Homemade Pizza

Once a month in general, I don’t feel like cooking… yes it happens even to those who love to cook! The solution in these cases is simple: ordering food. One of my favorite meals to order is pizza, especially since there is a restaurant in Strasbourg that offers the best pizzas in the city: Il Felice. Their pizzas are unusual and really fantastic. The issue??? They are not cheap. So I decided to recreate my favorite dish from their house last week: the one with yellow tomato sauce and burrata.
What is burrata? Burrata is a classic Puglian fresh spun cheese made from mozzarella cheese filled with cream. In other words, heaven on earth. Because of its creamy core, burrata has a greater fat content than regular mozzarella and most other cheeses. Burrata is derived from the Italian word burro, which means butter, and refers to the buttery quality of this gourmet cheese.
This pizza is very easy to make and will delight all taste buds. For a non-vegetarian version, add Italian ham, but don’t add too many toppings or the pizza will become warped with too many flavors. Less is more in this case.
The ideal pizza combo
Pizza dough
- 200 gr Flour
- 5 gr Baking yeast
- 30 mL Milk
- 1/2 tsp Olive oil
- 1/4 tsp Salt
- 100 mL Lukewarm water
Tomato sauce
- 400 gr Yellow tomato
- 1 clove Garlic
- 1 Onion
- Parsley
- Salt
- Pepper
- Basil
- 1 Red tomato
- 1 handful Sundried tomato
- 1 Burrata
- 1 handful Flaked almonds
- Pesto
- Olive oil
Pizza dough
- Dilute the yeast with 50 ml of lukewater and add 2 tablespoons of flour
- Mix well and let the leaven rise in a bowl for 30 minutes
- Pour the remaining flour into a bowl, add the leaven, the remaining 50 ml of lukewarm water, milk, olive oil and salt
- Knead until the dough no longer sticks to your hands
- Form a ball and place it in a floured bowl
- Cover with a cloth and leave to rise for 2 hours in an oven previously heated to 30°c and turned off
Tomato sauce
- Wash and cut the tomatoes into small pieces. Peel and chop the onions. Peel and chop the garlic. Wash and chop the parsley and basil into small pieces
- Place the tomatoes and their juice, onions, garlic and parsley in a deep saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat, then lower the heat and partially cover. Simmer for about 20 minutes, stirring. If the sauce reduces too much during cooking, feel free to add water
- Blend the sauce in a blender. Add salt, pepper and basil. Return the sauce to a simmer for 5 minutes
- Add the oil and take the pan off the heat
- Preheat the oven to 220°c
- Roll out the dough with a rolling pin. Use a fork to make small holes in the dough
- Spread the tomato sauce then spread the pesto on the tomato sauce
- Add the sundried tomatoes and put the pizza in the oven for 7 minutes
- Add the tomato slices and heat for 3 minutes
- Add the almonds, the burrata and a drizzle of olive oil: you are ready to eat