Behind Pancakes & CyberSecurity

Hi there!

My name is Margaux and I am a 25-year-old French national currently residing in the Netherlands.

I have a background in International Relations and Public Affairs, but my passion for all things technology and cyber security led me to make a switch.

After writing my thesis on the role of Estonia in the aftermath of the 2008 cyber attacks, I knew that this was the field I wanted to pursue.

With Pancakes & CyberSecurity, I aim to bring together my two biggest passions: cooking and cyber security.

On this website, you’ll find a mix of delicious recipes and insights on the latest in cyber resiliency and information security. I believe that by combining these two seemingly disparate subjects, I can create a unique and engaging platform for those interested in both.

As a tech enthusiast and avid learner, I am always keeping up with the latest developments in the field of cyber security. I believe that staying informed and educated about these important issues is crucial for everyone, and I am dedicated to sharing my knowledge with others in a relatable and accessible way.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro in the tech industry or simply curious about how to stay safe in our increasingly connected world, Pancakes & CyberSecurity is the perfect place for you.

So join me on this journey, and let’s dive into the world of technology and delicious pancakes together!