
Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 28 August 2023 Comments: 0

Alright, for those who may not be aware, my boyfriend is Italian, and as is the case with most Italians, food holds a special place in their hearts. Living in the Netherlands isn’t always a breeze when you come from a country known for its exceptional cuisine. It’s quite a challenge to transition from the land of pasta and pizza to a place where sprinkles on bread and bitterballen are…

Shortage of GPUs in AI: Crisis or Turning Point?

Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 27 August 2023 Comments: 0

What is a GPU? A GPU, or Graphics Processing Unit, is a specialized electronic component within a computer that is designed primarily for rendering and processing visual data, such as images, videos, and 3D graphics. GPUs are optimized for performing numerous parallel mathematical calculations simultaneously, making them well-suited for tasks related to computer graphics, gaming, video editing, scientific simulations, and machine learning. They work in conjunction with the computer’s central…

Blueberry Scones for Tea Time

Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 16 August 2023 Comments: 0

For those who know me, it’s no secret that I’m crazy about anything with blueberries. But let me tell you, if there’s one thing I can never say no to, it’s blueberry scones. If you’re reading this and thinking, “Eh, scones are usually dry,” then you haven’t tried these ones. They’re seriously amazing and so moist. They’re not overly sweet, which means you can totally slather on more jam when…

Beyond the Surface: The Dark Truths of Aging Medical Devices

Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 16 August 2023 Comments: 1

I’ve been wanting to write an article about this issue for ages, but life kept getting in the way. But hey, here I am, finally putting it down! So, you know how it is – sometimes you come across new stuff or see things you’ve never seen before, and it just freaks you out. And in those moments, I’ve got this phrase I use: “new fear unlocked,” kinda like when…

Salmon Onigiri yummy yummy

Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 10 August 2023 Comments: 0

After a hiatus from sharing recipes – truth be told, my weekly meals have resembled a broken record lately, with only minor tweaks that wouldn’t warrant a recipe write-up. But hold that thought, because now that I’m on vacation, a certain craving has resurfaced: onigiri, those delightful Japanese treats I practically lived on during my time there. In Japan, they were easy on the wallet, but back here in the…

Unraveling the Veil: Understanding RTLO & LTRO Hacking Techniques

Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 7 August 2023 Comments: 1

In the realm of cybersecurity, deception knows no bounds. RTLO and LTRO hacking techniques have emerged as crafty means to manipulate text direction, leaving users vulnerable to sophisticated attacks. This article dives into the cryptic world of Unicode-based tricks, shedding light on how to thwart these threats and safeguard our digital journeys. Get ready to decode the secrets of text manipulation and fortify your defenses against cyber adversaries! Understanding RTLO…

The High Cost of Staying Safe Online: How Security Became a Privilege

Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 22 February 2023 Comments: 0

“If you’re not paying for the product, you are the product” (The Social Dilemma, 2020). As the saying goes, users of apps like Instagram and Twitter are not paying for their services with money, but rather with their personal data, which is then sold to advertisers. However, the free model of social media that relies on advertising is now facing challenges. Due to a weaker advertising market, privacy restrictions introduced…

Reddit: A Double-Edged Sword for Cybersecurity Awareness

Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 16 February 2023 Comments: 0

Reddit and I have a complicated relationship. I used to use it a lot when I was younger, but I stopped because it is so easy to waste spend hours of your day on the app. So I bid Reddit farewell 🙁 and tried to live a normal life without it. It worked for a while, but then the curious person in me downloaded it again, and the same thing…

ChatGPT, my thoughts, and phishing emails

Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 8 February 2023 Comments: 0

Okay, Today, I’m on a roll, an article roll. Can’t and won’t stop. Ladies and gentlemen… The second article of the day! First, I’ll share my thoughts on ChatGPT (even though you did not really ask for it). Then, we’ll delve a little deeper into ChatGPT and its implication for phishing emails. ChatGPT & intelligence Last week, I was telling a friend about how awesome ChatGPT is, but I had…

ChatGPT is cool, but have you tried these?

Posted by: Margaux Posted on: 8 February 2023 Comments: 1

Okay, no need to go on about ChatGPT, the chatbot developed by OpenAI that has changed almost everyone’s life since its release in November. I won’t go into too much detail because an article on the subject is on the way. But ChatGPT piqued my interest in the AI tools that can help us on so many other levels. First and foremost, I believe it is necessary to state that…